The mission of Starcare Angels is to provide primary care health services and health education in southeastern Nigeria.
We aim to empower people of all backgrounds to contribute to increasing the quality of life and lifespan of people in Southeastern Nigeria by contributing their time, talents, and resources to make these goals possible.

Nigeria is a country that is developing extremely fast. In fact, Nigeria is now Africa’s largest economy. However, in spite of these positive national developments, Nigeria still has a lagging healthcare infrastructure. Many people often suffer and die from preventable illnesses. This is especially true for many chronic illnesses. At Starcare Angels we believe that we can alter this trend by focusing on educating people on good nutrition and health practices; in addition to, creating a more stable primary care system for the population.
We aim to provide the following primary care resources:
Annual Physicals
Screenings for chronic illnesses
Medications to manage chronic illness
We aim to provide the following health educational resources:
Nutritional Resources
Chronic Disease prevention and control advice
Best Sexual Health Practices

A Bit of Background
We provide on the ground primary care and health education in southeast Nigeria. First, we fundraise in order to collect the medication, medical devices, and supplies necessary for the medical services we provide. To provide the care, we bring together a team of doctors, nurses, students and other healthcare professionals to provide the services. We then speak with local leaders in the area to decide on a location for care and medical education sessions. These are often at communal areas like social halls, fields or churches. On treatment dates, we meet with other healthcare professionals and begin to see patients. During this time the patents will receive primary care consultation, necessary medications, and advice on obtaining follow up care. There are also set dates in which our team leads medical education meetings in the community. During these sessions, we emphasize good health practices and the prevention of noncommunicable illnesses. As of now, StarCare Angels is making at least one annual trip a year to Southeast Nigeria in order to provide these services.

Mission trip to Mgbwo in January of 2018 during which physicals were provided to individuals of all ages and individuals were given medication to treat chronic conditions.
Mission trip to Mgbwo in January of 2019 during which physicals were provided to individuals of all ages and individuals were given medication to treat chronic conditions.
Mission trip to Mgbwo in January 2020 during which physicals were provided to individuals of all ages and individuals were given medication to treat chronic conditions.
Medical education session during the Ugwumba day festival in December 2018 and 2019 to provide education on the prevention and treatment of hypertension and Type II Diabetes.